nomadic think tank
Everything Integral on Global Cooperation
nomadic think tank
nomadic think tank is an Integral think tank, grassroots, non profit,,,
nomadic think tank
who are we,
where are we going
nomadic think tank
nomadic think tank is an Integral think tank, grassroots, non profit,,,
nomadic think tank is an Integral think tank, grassroots, non profit,,,
nomadic think tank is an Integral think tank, grassroots, non profit,,,
nomadic think tank is an Integral think tank, grassroots, non profit,,,
Global events in consideration and practice
SEPTEMBER 22, 2013
by jbuckley, Looking at; listening, feeling, we come into a global wisdom. We can interact with each other and see what others in the world see, we can come to understand the others interpretations and we can engage with the world. To do this, however, we... (Kosmos Journal used as prototype in part.)
An Ethos of Wellbeing for all
The IWM endorses an “ethos of wellbeing;” defined as an ethos of wellbeing for all humans, species, and ecosystems in perpetuity; where the wellbeing of the individual, the wellbeing of the community and Nations, and the wellbeing of institutions is articulated. This brief summary of the IWM defines the term ethos as a combination of gnosis, the knowledge of the principles we can live by and how to implement them, and subtle energy, which is the attunement to the kinetic will and energy to do it. In ethos and vision we have the emergence of what is “not-yet-conscious,” (Ernst Bloch), and the yet-to-be-enacted but that which is absolutely necessary to change paradigms for the better.